Safeguarding and Child Protection at TPIS
All staff and volunteers at Tara Pattana International School are committed to keeping children safe, ensuring the well-being of our school community and promoting a culture of care. Every member of our community holds a vital role in upholding our safeguarding standards. We foster a culture of accountability, where reporting concerns – however small – is encouraged and confidentiality is rigorously maintained, ensuring that each case is handled with sensitivity and care.
Please follow these expectations when on campus, and share them with any employee / personal guest:
- Do not approach any child in order to chastise them for a dispute with your own child.
- Do not physically chastise your own child or any other child while on school site or at a school event.
- Keep your TPIS ID badge visible (worn around your neck rather than carried).
- If you have forgotten your TPIS ID badge you must exchange ID for a visitor badge.
- Only use toilets and changing rooms designated for adult use.
- Do not allow your child to use toilets with an ADULT sign unless you accompany them.
- Do not take photos on the playground or in classrooms.
- Do not enter school buildings or corridors unaccompanied by a member of staff..
- Do not post or share images, or contribute comments that may cause harm or embarrassment.
- Do not use cameras in changing rooms, toilets or areas with an expectation of privacy.
- Do not use cameras or videos at the swimming pool – either during lessons or events.
- When helping in school follow the rules and guidelines provided by the TPIS teacher or coach.
- Avoid situations that may lead to an allegation of abusive or offensive conduct.
Unacceptable behaviours may result in a ban from the campus for a period of time, or police intervention.
Thailand Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003)
Thai law stipulates that ‘schools shall set up systems and activities to provide guidance, counselling and training for pupils, students and guardians with a view to promoting appropriate behaviour, social responsibility and safety for the pupils and students.’
It is considered the moral duty of schools to report suspected child abuse to a competent official or the police (CPA Section 29).
Child abuse is considered a criminal offence (CPA Section 25 and 26).
It is considered child abuse to:
- Abandon a child without appropriate welfare protection.
- Wilfully or neglectfully withhold things that are necessary for the health of a child and so lead to physical or mental harm.
- Treat a child in any manner which obstructs their growth or development, or in any manner which constitutes illegal care.
- Commit or omit acts which result in torturing a child’s physical or mental state.
- Intentionally or negligently do acts likely to cause physical or mental harm.
- Force, threaten, use, induce or allow a child to behave inappropriately.
We have a strong safeguarding culture at TPIS and this can be seen through our:
- Rigorous safer recruitment process;
- Regular safeguarding training for all staff and advanced safeguarding training for Designated Safeguarding Leads;
- Positive student to student and student-staff relationships;
- Well-planned Learning for Life education programme including the promotion of a positive body image and self-esteem, helping children to have agency over their bodies and their choices, teaching the importance of consent, and how to stay safe online;
- Student Council initiatives;
- Student and staff mentor system;
- Pastoral care systems;
- Independent safeguarding reviews.
You can read our Family Guide to Safeguarding and Child Protection here.
Our culture of safeguarding at school requires that everyone understands and abides by our shared values of safety, kindness and respect. We require all parents and visitors to acknowledge, agree to abide by and sign our Code of Conduct.
Safeguarding Code of Conduct for TPIS Community (ENG/CH version)
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