Safeguarding at TPIS

Safeguarding at TPIS

Tara Pattana International School is committed to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the students and other members of our school community. We believe that everyone has the right to be protected and cared for, thus, health care, safeguarding and protection are one of our utmost priorities.

Moreover, TPIS ensures to create an environment where children are treated with respect and comfortable about speaking out if anything is worrying them and they know who they can talk to about it.

On Site Security

  • All members of our school community wear ID badges to ensure that all adults on-site are identifiable. Parents are required to wear their Parent ID at all times when on campus. If you forgot your school ID, you will be required to exchange one valid ID with the visitor badge.
  • CCTV cameras. TPIS is equipped with CCTV cameras

Guidelines for Visitors

At a minimum, we require all visitors to follow our policies and procedures in place. A visitor is defined as any person seeking to enter a school building who is not an employee of the school, not a member of the PTA or a student currently enrolled in the school. All visitors must exchange their ID with the visitor’s badge at the security entrance and must wear it all the time whilst on school site; to ensure that the school meets the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy requirements, it is essential that our procedures are followed by ALL VISITORS.

Background Checks

  • TPIS requires police clearance with background checks for all teaching and non-teaching staff at school.
  • Whenever a pupil moves from another school, any records of child protection/child welfare are asked as soon as possible as part of the admissions process. The Designated Safeguarding Lead of our school will review the files and will be kept confidential.

