Learning Support

Learning Support

At TPIS we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our student community is valued and respected.

We are committed to whole school inclusion. We recognise that children learn at different speeds and that not all children learn in the same way. In our school we support children with a range of learning support needs.

EAL (English as Additional Language)
Learning support helps children (for whom English is not their first language) to develop fluency and competency in English.

Gifted and Talented students
Learning support is also available to those who are gifted and talented to allow them to reach their full potential.

We provide support in the following ways:
Where possible support will be given within the mainstream class. Occasionally  learners may be withdrawn for specialist lessons, for example, reading booster classes. Learning support at TPIS includes, for example:

  • Learning support provision in and outside the class
  • ‘English as Additional Language’ (EAL) programme
  • Reading support provision in and outside the class

In the case of more serious learning difficulties, we have links with qualified external educational services.

If your child is currently receiving special services such as learning support, speech/language therapy or an enrichment programme, please inform us at the beginning of the application process so we can provide your child with appropriate support to ensure a fulfilling learning experience right from the very beginning of their time at TPIS.
