At Tara Pattana School, Key Stage 3 consists of Year 7, 8 and 9, with the student age range between 11 to 14 years old.

The UK National Curriculum has been developed to enable schools in and out of the UK to raise education standards and to help their learners:

  • Accomplish high standards and make improved progress;
  • Enable those not achieving age-related expectations at age 11 (Year 6)

To catch up with their peers;

  • Become independent learners;
  • Be able to use high-quality functional skills;
  • Be challenged to achieve their potential; and
  • Have increased commitment and enjoyment of learning.

All children will be taught a full range of subjects:

English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities (History, Geography, etc.), Creative Arts (Music, Art, Drama), Computing, Physical Education, swimming and Foreign Languages.

The Curriculum is designed to challenge children to think independently and critically as well as to apply learned knowledge to real-life situations. As they progress through this Key Stage, children should become self-motivated and enquiring learners, preparing them to meet the challenges of the next phase of their education, i.e. the International General Certificate in Secondary Education (IGCSE).
